Private Equity
We are uniquely positioned for proprietary deal sourcing and executing private equity transactions in Korea. Our private equity investment strategy is predicated on proprietary sourcing of transactions with investments in small to medium-sized companies. Petra Capital Management’s unmatched local network and appeal as a local solution will provide significant key competitive edges over larger foreign buyout funds. We have developed expertise in applying management acumen and strategic experience in solving problems specific to family-owned businesses seeking to strengthen or expand operations. This includes resolving divergent views on business strategy, liquidity, succession plans and capital structure.
We have a rigorous investment approach, an extensive due diligence process, substantial transaction expertise and focus on operational improvements and oversight. We believe that strong corporate governance is the cornerstone of our business. Our conservative and disciplined investment philosophy produces the highest consistent investment returns. We focus on industries that we know best and structure our transactions with a conservative amount of debt. We have a long-term investment horizon and concentrate on value creation. We invest in undervalued companies and their people and help them to realize their potential. Before the investment, we work to understand their operational goals and then structure the transaction with those goals in mind.
We take an opportunistic investment approach that is not anchored to any single geography, industry, transaction structure or size. Rather, we opportunistically and selectively direct capital to the most attractive investment prospects. We provide creative capital, structured for each investment opportunity. We seek to direct our capital towards situations where, in connection with our investment, we can both influence and support our portfolio companies to drive changes that maximize their strategic and operational potential. Our investment professionals devote a significant amount of their time in working closely with portfolio companies in order to facilitate implementation of effective operational and marketing strategies.
Korea has the potential to be one of the most attractive markets for private equity investments. The Korean economy, the 11th largest in the world, is home to some of the world’s most successful companies with leading technologies, skilled labor forces and highly educated management teams. Many Korean companies have transformed into global market players after successfully going through painful restructurings during the Asian financial crisis. Korea has become one of the largest private equity markets in Asia with proven history of successful buyouts and exits.